[Top 9] Dark Souls 3 Best Overhaul Mods That You Should Get (2024)

Dark Souls 3 is an addictive game. The drive to complete an objective and defeat an enemy to continue on your journey to the end of the game is something amazing that FromSoftware plants in its player base in every game they make. Eventually, you play so much that you can't really be phased by the enemies anymore, so you desire more of a challenge. That is where this article comes in! Here I will list some of the best Dark Souls 3 total overhaul mods that change the game completely and give you a new experience.

9. First Person Cam


The First Person Cam mod is a Cheat Engine script that forces the game into the first-person perspective, offering a fresh approach to gameplay and adding the additional challenge of a narrower field of view. This makes it much harder to see around you, unlike the 360 camera in the base game. In terms of difficulty, the odd angles and completely shifted perspective can make it much harder to dodge attacks and maneuver your way through the game, so this mod is ideal for players that just want to change the perspective without altering core gameplay mechanics.

8. Dark Dynasty – The Siege of Londor


Here we have a mod that takes the base game and shifts its premise, changing the lore to be about the war of multiple kingdoms, in which your character takes place. It is still set in the world of Dark Souls 3 but at a different time. Additional weapons are available, as well as armor sets, spells, 6 covenants, boss fights, mechanics, abilities, lore, and so much more.

7. Ludite 5 DS3


Ludite 5 DS3 is a graphics overhaul mod that drastically changes the look and color palette of Dark Souls 3, making it look amazing, almost at the level of next-gen games. It has RTGI, which means that you can now use ray tracing in the game, upping the visuals to a whole new level. The blurry effect that is present everywhere in the base game is removed and a sharper and grittier visual perspective is implemented.

6. Hollow Overhaul


Ridiculous. That's the only way to describe the Hollow Overhaul mod. The creators of this mod take core aspects and ideas from other mods and add them to theirs, giving you an amazing amount of changes to the base game, all in one nice package. There are over 100 changes to the game, with new balance, enemy placement, new bosses, new items, spells, status effects, and even graphical improvements!

5. Ascended


Another mod that creates a completely different game from the original, the Ascended mod adds new debuffs, enemy physics and AI, bosses, enemy types, placement, armor and ring effects, and much more to discover. It is a classic example of the potential a modder has to take a brilliant game as it is and improve on it with a creative mind, as well as innovation.

4. Darker Souls


This is a difficulty+ mod, with many changes that have been implemented over a long period, so there is a lot of content to unpack. Basically, it features changes that increase the difficulty, such as various reworks to shields, spells, rings; rebalanced weapons, enemy and boss HP, improved drop rates, and much more. There is a huge number of changes that I can't even list here, so follow the provided link for all of the details.

3. Champion's Ashes


Top 3! Champion's Ashes changes very deep core gameplay mechanics, such as the combat system, adding a feint mechanic, so you can make your enemies think you're attacking, but you cancel the attacks and do something else entirely. On top of that, we also have a complete overhaul on enemy types, as well as new bosses, lighting, and more. The mod page states that there are over 100 pages of implemented changes, so you should check out their page and support them!

2. Convergence


The Convergence mod aims to completely revamp everything regarding Dark Souls 3, so you can experience some new magic systems, hundreds of interesting new spells, new classes, there is also the fact that every single non-DLC area has been touched up with more enemies, enemy types, different placements as well as item locations. It is quite extensive, and putting it all here would be quite difficult, so follow the provided link to download the mod.

1. Cinders


And finally, we come to the best overhaul mod you can get in Dark Souls 3 – Cinders. Of course, everything is different here, and we have a plethora of new things to explore, such as a new Gauntlet mode, where you can select which bosses you want to fight and fight them to your heart's content. New bosses, enemies, core mechanics, combat systems, quality of life changes, new weapons, spells, spell systems, and much, much more. You should definitely check this mod out and you're guaranteed to have a unique and fantastic experience!

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[Top 9] Dark Souls 3 Best Overhaul Mods That You Should Get (2024)


[Top 9] Dark Souls 3 Best Overhaul Mods That You Should Get? ›

The Convergence mod is an exhaustive overhaul of Dark Souls 3 with plenty of new systems, weapons, spells, map reworks, bosses and much more. Made by CouchJockey, TigerG92, AronTheBaron. Archthrones is an overhaul mod for Dark Souls 3 on a scale never seen before.

What is the best Dark Souls 3 mod? ›

The Convergence mod is an exhaustive overhaul of Dark Souls 3 with plenty of new systems, weapons, spells, map reworks, bosses and much more. Made by CouchJockey, TigerG92, AronTheBaron. Archthrones is an overhaul mod for Dark Souls 3 on a scale never seen before.

Can you mod DS3? ›

PC players have the advantage of using Dark Souls 3 mods to alter the game in new and interesting ways, enhancing their enjoyment. Mods such as Embers, More Item Drops, and Easy Souls III, offer players the opportunity to improve the game's atmosphere, item drops, and difficulty respectively.

Can you play Dark Souls 3 with mods online? ›

you can use mods online YES YOU CAN!

Is Dark Souls 4 in the making? ›

Dark Souls 3 is the final game of the series. There's no Dark Souls 4 going to come, sadly.

What is the hardest class in Dark Souls 3? ›

Sorcerers are easily the hardest class to start as in Dark Souls 3. They have the lowest starting health, have little stamina, and their spells require a solid chunk of FP.

Are Dark Souls mods bannable? ›

No. The game doesn't have any form of anti cheat. So you can't get banned.

Can cheat engine get you banned on Dark Souls? ›

Yes. Section 4. You acknowledge and agree that either Valve or any online multiplayer host may refuse to allow you to participate in certain online multiplayer games if you use Cheats in connection with Steam or the Software.

Can you become a dragon in DS3? ›

Like its predecessors, Dark Souls III lets you transform into a dragon. However, the means of doing so is elaborate, requiring a set of secret items to activate. Luckily, we've compiled details of how to find these items so you can finally turn into the half-dragon, half-human hybrid you've always dreamed of becoming.

Is Dark Souls 3 no longer online? ›

After A 7-Month Shutdown, Dark Souls 3 Servers Are Online Again.

Does Dark Souls 3 have a co-op mod? ›

Version v1.3

Enabled Coop in Firelink just before Iudex Gundyr. This means that you can coop within the first 20 seconds of the game! Added 99 embers to your inventory upon starting a new game and added the white sign soapstone and small white soapstone to the quick items bar (properly!)

What is DS3OS? ›

An open source implementation of the dark souls 3 game server. Idealistically made for the purpose of allow better alternatives to playing mods than getting your account banned and using the retail ban server.

Is DS Archthrones free? ›

Both the demo and the final version of the mod are/will be completely free-to-play, but if you want to support the team behind it, don't miss the Archthrones pages on Ko-fi and Patreon.

How do I get to plus 15 Dark Souls? ›

Bring both the large ember and the very large ember to Andrei. Andre does it if you've gotten the Very Large Ember from New Londo. If you have a +14 (Very Large Ember required to ascend +10 to +11) weapon already you need to find a titanite slab, then you can reinforce it to +15 anywhere, even at the bonfire.

How do I join Sunbros Dark Souls? ›

Join this covenant by meeting the Faith requirement of 25. Additionally, each host you successfully assist in defeating a boss as a White Phantom, the Faith requirement will decrease by 5. So, if you help four hosting players defeat their bosses (successfully), your character only needs 5 Faith to join.

What is the best class in Dark Souls 3? ›

Knight, but I'd say focus on a build more than a class. Any of those classes can be any build, it's just a question of how efficiently it gets there(lack of wasted points - for instance a non-Hollow or Bleed build doesn't need Luck, so Pyro and Knight are best picks depending on what you plan to do with the build).

Is there an easy mod for Dark Souls 3? ›

In total 'Easy Souls III' brings three difficulties, Easy, VeryEasy and UltraEasy. Easy increase your souls intake by 25%, lowers your damage taken by 25% and damage dealt increased by 25%. What's more, VeryEasy and UltraEasy have percentages of 50% and 75%, respectively.

Is Dark Souls 3 DLC worth it? ›

The DLC is essentially what feels like the “end” of all the Dark Souls titled games. They're not some random worlds to go to, it's a decently long prologue journey that ties everything together. It feels “done.” Also if you're real into the Dark Souls world and lore, watch Angel's Egg and then get the DLC.

What gives the most souls in DS3? ›

Arguably the best way to get the most amount of souls in the shortest time, the roof of the Grand Archives is home to three Ascended Winged Knights that provide almost 30,000 souls each, meaning that with the right equipment, you'll be earning about 100,000 souls per run.


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