Journey Through Kanto - Chapter 5 - Murasaki27 - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Teach Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me

I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me, and I'll teach you


(Gotta catch 'em all!)

Gotta catch 'em all!


"Hello": Normal Speech

"Hello": Telepathy


("Hello"): Poke-Speech/Poke-Speech to Ash

We find our heroes taking a rest stop at a forest resting or trainer their Pokemon. Our two trainers Ash and Ritchie were eager to get to Vermilion City site of their next gym badge.

Everyone was taking a short break from traveling taking a small rest stop near a lake. Misty was taking care of her water pokemon, Brock was making lunch, Molly was playing with the two Pikachu's, Teddiursa, and the baby pokemon. Clefable was hovering over Brock wondering if there was something she could do. Geodude, Onix, and Sandshrew were getting polished and a sand bath by Ash who volunteered to do it so Brock could focus more on making lunch with Meowstic sitting near him. Pidgeotto was resting on a nearby branch; Luxray was taking a nap, while Cloyster, Ash's Starmie, and Gyarados were relaxing in the water.

Ritchie was polishing his two badges staring at them with excitement eager to get his next gym badge.

Ash had just finished giving Sandshrew a sand bath, "Okay your all done, Geodude come over here so I can polish you." the rock type bounced his way over to Ash eagerly the boy laughed and began polishing the rock type who closed his eyes enjoying it very much.

Brock finished getting the food ready and began setting the table with Misty's help. He looked over and saw Ash polishing his Geodude with a smile on his face, "Ash sure is something, isn't he?"

Misty followed his line of sight, "Yeah he is. Look how well he's taking care of your rock pokemon he must've learned how to take care pokemon before he left for his journey."

"Probably, but Ritchie's not bad himself." Brock said.

"If you mean to say how he's an overexcited kid then yeah." She rolled her eyes.

"Ritchie's not so bad, I mean look." Brock pointed out, "He's already training his pokemon for the next gym, so he's learning. Remember the two of them are still rookie trainers so they still have a lot to learn."

She sighed, "Yeah your right, but Ash doesn't fit the typical rookie trainer and neither does Ritchie even though he used an electric type against a rock type."

Brock brought a hand to his chin in thought, "Your right, I meant Ash is calm and reasonable and Ritchie is like a kid but still takes things seriously when the situation needs it to be." He thought out loud, "No matter how you look at it they don't fit the average 10 year old profile, and as much as much as I hate to say it neither does Gary."

Misty showed an angry expression at the mention of Gary. She hadn't met him because she left the gym before she could meet him, "I haven't even met him yet and I already don't like the jerk."

"Same here," Brock said, "When he came to my gym he was completely arrogant and unfortunately he had the goods to back it up, but still his behavior and that little message he left on that sign is uncalled for."

"I agree."

"What are you guys talking about?" Both Ash and Ritchie came up to them.

"Oh don't worry, its nothing." Brock quickly said.

The boys looked at each other in confusion before deciding to drop it and start eating the food Brock prepared for them, while the pokemon were eating his pokemon food.

It was a pretty peaceful day.

Having finished lunch they set off on the road again talking about random things from pokemon breeding and the Elite Four. Brock was surprised when he saw how Ash knew everything about them and told Ritchie repeatedly not to underestimate them. They were having a good time until a trainer came out of nowhere and challenged Ash to a pokemon battle, who reluctantly agreed and ended up defeating the boy's Rattata with his Pidgeotto who hadn't taken a single hit since the match started. The boy was impressed and told him he should battle AJ a trainer who trains savage pokemon and has never lost a single match. While Ash wasn't interested Ritchie certainly was and took off in the direction the boy pointed to making Ash sigh and give in following his cousin while the others followed right behind them.

AJ's Gym

Having whacked Ritchie upside the head for running off with the egg in his handsagainthey arrived in front of a building with the bold sign in front of it saying AJ's gym.

Ash noticed something on the front of the building and read it out loud:

"98 wins to Zero losses"

"Who keeps records of how many time's they've won?" Ash said with a hint of disbelief.

"Well, Ash you haven't lost a battle yet yourself when you think about it." Misty pointed out.

"Huh?" he blinked, "Really?"

"She's right," Brock agreed, "I've been keeping track and so far you have 10 victories."

Ash's eyes grew wide, "I have? I've never really paid attention." Its true he really hasn't.

"We know." They all said making the boy sweat-drop.

"But still," he said, "I don't think this gym is licensed by the Pokémon League so that makes it unofficial right?"

"I think your right Ash." Brock said.

"Hey you here for a battle?" a voice said from behind. Turning around they saw a boy with green spiky hair, wearing a black and red shirt, blue shorts, and red sneakers with a smug look on his face.

Ash automatically didn't like the boy; it was like looking at Gary.

"So which one of you wants to be my 99th victim?" he said still smirking.

"I'll take you on!" Ritchie said giving his incubator to Ash who took it without protest.

"Heh, fine with me, names AJ by the way," he brought out a whip and starts snapping it scaring everyone except Ash who was eyeing the boy.

"Once I've got all 100th victories I'll finally challenge the league." AJ said.

Ritchie looks at him smugly, "Yeah well I've already got two gym badges from Pewter City and Cerulean City."

AJ looks at him and busts out laughing, "Those are the weakest gyms in all of Kanto! I call them, Failure City and Wimpsville!"

Misty and Brock got angry at the comment and Molly didn't like the boy much either.

"Sandshrew, let's crush him!" he summoned the ground type who was already in a battle stance.

"Remember Ritchie, electric types are weak against ground types." Misty reminds him.

"Yeah I know," he said, "Happy, I choose you!" out came Ritchie's own Butterfree.


Brock nodded, "Good choice, Butterfree's both bug and flying type so it should have the advantage."

Misty nodded expecting Ash to say something to but the boy looked like he was eyeing AJ as if trying to confirm something.

"Happy, useGust!" Happy flaps his wings sending air from his wings.

AJ wasn't worried, "Defense Curl!" Sandshrew curled up in a ball protecting it from the gust attack.

"It didn't work?" Ritchie said in shock.

Ash had a thought,He must have had his pokemon be immune to type disadvantages, but I doubt he did it with other types.

"Rollout!" uncurling itself Sandshrew shot towards the bug and flying type slamming into it hard causing it to land hard in front his trainer unconscious, "Happy!" Ritchie picked up Happy and saw the bug types wing was bruised badly.

"Oh no, I think Sandshrew hit Happy too hard." Misty said.

"Your right, it looks like its wing might be broken." Brock observed, "But more importantly I wonder if that rumors true about him training savage pokemon. It only took one hit for Sandshrew to knock Happy out."

Molly was holding Teddiursa in her arms tightening her hold on the bear a little, "I don't like him."

"Ursa (Me neither)."

"Luxray (Agreed)."

"Pika (He's annoying)." Pikachu said.

"Pikachu (He is)." Sparky agreed.

Ash handed the incubator over to Brock silently and walked towards his cousin, "What's wrong with Ash?" Misty wondered.

"I'm not sure but I know it can't be good." Brock replied.

"Big brother looks mad." Molly pointed out.

"Ursa." Teddiursa nodded in agreement.

The raven-haired teen walked to his cousin who was worried for his pokemon and crouched down, "Its wing looks damaged," he said a frightening calm tone of voice, "Have Brock take at look at him then we'll take him to a pokemon center."

Ritchie took a look at his cousin and froze when he saw how calm his cousin looked but deep down he could see a raging anger in his eyes and that was a bad thing for the person that made him mad. He nodded and headed over to Brock who noticed Ritchie's scared look.

"What's wrong?" Brock asked.

He hesitated before answering, "I think…AJ might be in trouble."

Before the two could comment they heard AJ celebrating, "Heh, I knew you'd be my 99th victory now I only need one more." He turned his gaze to Ash, "Hey you!" he called out.

He turned to the boy with a blank expression on his face, "You'll be my 100th" he smirked still keeping his Sandshrew out who looked ready for another battle.

Ash turned his full body to the boy, "Is that all you care about? What about other trainers pokemon?"

AJ shrugged, "Who cares, just battle me already. That is unless your scared you'll lose like that loser over there." He pointed his thumb to Ritchie.

He closed his eyes, "I see," taking out a pokéball standing on the opposite side of the field, "I take it you'll be using Sandshrew?"

AJ smirked, "Yep, he's my strongest pokemon. Whatever pokemon you plan on using it's going to lose." He said smugly.

Ash tossed the pokéball in the air, "Scizor, take the field." The bug type took up a fighting stance immediately getting ready for the battle at hand.

"Scizor (Come)!"

"Ash has another bug type?!" Misty cried out in horror.

Brock's eyes widened, "A Scizor? Where did Ash find one?"

Molly was worried about her brother's state of mind.

Ritchie scanned the bug type.

[Scizor, the Pincer Pokémon. It threatens enemies with its eye-patterned claws, which can swing with tremendous force when used in battle.]

"This is gonna hurt." Ritchie said.

Molly nodded, "Uh-huh."

"Pika (Sucks to be him)." Pikachu commented.

"Luxray (Who cares)." Luxray grunted.

Despite how the boy treated his cousin he decided to be a good sport and let his opponent make the first move, "You can go first."

AJ smirked, "You'll regret it," he taunted, "Sandshrew, usePoison Sting!" Sandshrew rolled into a ball spinning around quickly firing white needles at Scizor.

"Take it Scizor." He said simply. The bug and steel type listened having full trust in his trainer and stood still letting the attack hit him.

"What's Ash thinking? Scizor will get hurt!" Misty yelled.

"I don't know." Ritchie said.

Molly was watching the battle intently.

The attack made contact but Scizor stood still looking as if it did nothing, which in truth it didn't.

"W-what?" AJ stuttered shocked that the attack didn't do anything, "But how?"

"Bullet Punch!" Ash said.

Scizor's pincers glowed and slammed into Sandshrew hard sending it flying back to its trainer.

"You alright Sandshrew?!" AJ yelled.

"Shrew (I'm good)!" the pokemon got back up but it's obvious it took some damage from that attack.

"Why didn't Scizor take any damage from that attack? It was a direct hit." Misty asked the closet person to her, which would be Brock.

The boy thought about it for a moment before realizing what happened, "Scizor's a dual type pokemon! That's why poison sting didn't work!"

"Dual type?" Ritchie questioned.

"There are pokemon tha have one or two types. Here's an example Pikachu is a simple electric type, while Butterfree is a Bug and Flying type. That's what we call a dual type." He explained.


"But that doesn't explain why poison sting didn't affect Scizor." Misty reminded.

"The reason it had no affect is because Scizor's both a Bug andSteeltype and Steel type pokemon have an advantage against poison types."

Ritchie and Misty understood, "That's why he told Scizor to stand still because he knew Sandshrew's poison sting would have no effect!" Misty realized.

Brock nodded, "Exactly."

Molly stared at Scizor then back at Sandshrew. Unknown to the girl her eyes glowed blue for a split second then stopped glowing, "Big brother's about to win." She smiled.

The three look at her in confusion.

Meanwhile AJ couldn't believe his Sandshrew's attack had no effect at all. When his opponent told his pokemon to just simply stand there he thought he won, but shocked when he saw it did no damage what so ever and the worse part was Sandshrew got with an attack that did damage even though his pokemon was still standing it looked hurt.

I don't get it! Poison sting should have poisoned it, but it just brushed it off like it was nothing special.AJ thought.

Ash was waiting for his opponent to make the next move. When he saw that his opponent wasn't making any kind of move soon he decided to make a move himself, "Focus Energy, thenFury Cutter!" Scizor's body glowed blue and its pinsir's began to glow. As if teleporting he appeared in front of a stunned Sandshrew and began slashing at it repeatedly.

"Sandshrew!" AJ cried out.

The others were stunned at the brutality Ash was doing. Ritchie and Molly were right he's really mad.

After a few more swipes it stopped and stood in front his trainer protectively and waited to see what his opponent would do. They saw Sandshrew swaying then it collapsed unconscious.

"No way…" Misty said.

"H-he did it." Ritchie stared amazed at the battle he just witnessed.

Molly smiled, "Told you so."

"Yeah you did, but how did you…" Brock saw her running to Ash with a smile on her face. Scizor was bowing in front of Ash respectfully.

"Good job Scizor." Ash complimented.

"Scizor scizor sci (You are too kind)."

He laid a hand on Scizor's head as a sign of praise. He took out Scizor's pokéball and returned him. He heard footsteps and saw that it was Molly who was still smiling, "That was a great battle!"

Ash smiled, "Thanks Molly I appreciate it." he looked over at AJ and saw him holding Sandshrew, walking over to him he saw the boy look up and flinch when he saw Ash approach him. He walked until he was right in front of him and bent down, "If it's alright with you I'd like to heal your Sandshrew." Ash smiled all the anger he had disappeared in an instant.

AJ was dumbfounded by the sudden change but nodded anyway, "O-okay."

He stuttered.

"Hey Pikachu could you bring my bag over here please?" Ash asked his best friend.

"Pika (Sure)!" the yellow rodent grabbed the bag with his mouth and slowly brought it over to his trainer. When he reached him he let the bag go allowing Ash to rummage in it looking for healing potions and some berries. Finding what he was looking for he started spraying Sandshrew with some healing spray then he gave it an Oran Berry. After eating the berry the ground type perked right up making AJ smile with relief.

"Now that that's settled," Ash said standing up, "Why don't we introduce ourselves? My names Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this is my buddy Pikachu."

"Pikachu (Yo)!" Pikachu brought up his paw.

"And over there is Luxray."

The cat merely bowed his head.

Molly then approached seeing the tension was finally over, "Hi there, my names Molly Ketchum and this is Teddiursa."

"Teddiursa (Hi)!"

The others saw the tension die down to and introduced themselves as well. Instead being angry by his loss AJ smiled and apologized for his rude comments earning him forgiveness from Brock and Misty. He also apologized to Ritchie for hurting his Butterfree and not caring about it. The brown haired boy apologized saying it was "okay."

After the introductions they all went inside and saw exactly how he trans his pokemon by using weights, swimming, and by battling each other. It was very interesting.

"So your also trying to get them to overcome their type disadvantages, right?" Brock asked.

"Yeah, I train them until its times up. Then they take a break and go back at it again." He explained.

"That's actually not a bad idea, but is the whip necessary?" Misty asked not liking the whip one bit.

AJ nodded, "Strict discipline so they don't slack off during training, but don't worry I've never hit any of my pokemon with it. That would be pokemon abuse."

"Pokemon abuse?" Molly tilted her head in question.

Brock nodded grimly not liking the subject but still had the need to explain it, "Pokemon abuse is exactly as it sounds. Pokemon abuse is when trainers are caught either physically harming their pokemon or forcing them to battle even though they can't move anymore."

Ritchie looked sharply at him, "Please tell me your kidding."

Brock didn't speak. Meaning what he said was no joke.

Molly was hugging Teddiursa tightly, "I won't let anyone hurt my pokemon." She said angrily.

Misty giggled, "Well I wouldn't worry about that. You're a tough trainer with tough pokemon no one is ever going to hurt them or you."

Molly smiled at the redhead, "Right!"

Just then they saw something that looked like a giant ball rolled its way in the building, "…What is that?" Ritchie asked slowly.

"A giant ball?" Ash observed.

"Pika (A ball)?"

"Luxray (Strange)." The lion walked over to the ball slowly like a predator stalking its prey.

"What's Luxray doing?" Misty questioned.

"I think it's trying to see what's inside that thing." Brock answered.

Luxray got close to the weird object and started hearing voices.

"This will help us nab Pikachu from right under their noses." A female voice whispered.

"Meowth you've outdone yourself this time." A male voice whispered.

"Of course I did, and while you guys catch Pikachu I'll interrogate the twerp." Meowth whispered.

Luxray began to growl menacingly alerting the three rockets inside the ball.

"Hey was that your stomach Jessie?" the male whispered.

"No it wasn't! Maybe it was Meowth." Jessie growled.

"That it wasn't me!" Meowth bit back.

Having had enough of their idiotic bickering Luxray released a Thunderbolt attack on the three morons sending them flying off before they even know what hit them.






"…That was Team Rocket wasn't it…" Ash spoke what everyone was thinking.

Luxray nodded then went back over to Ash's side.

"Pika Pikachu pika (Good job Luxray)!" Pikachu complimented.

"Luxray (Don't mention it)."

"That is one strong pokemon you've got there." AJ commented impressed.

"Thanks." Ash said.

After getting rid of Team Rocket the gang were outside bidding farewell to AJ who decided to wait for his 100th win before he leaves to start his own journey. The others wished him good luck before leaving to head to Vermillion City site of Ash and Ritchie's next gym battle.

The same presence was watching the raven-haired teen and this time with a smile that the other presence noticed.

'Your smiling.'The feminine voice said with a smile.

It didn't say anything at first but knew she was right. This boy just might be the key they need.

'I've taken quite a liking to the boy, he's special.'It smiled.

The voice in its head giggled,'Yes I know. I think you should come back he's coming again.'

It frowned knowing who she was talking about,'I'm coming.'In a flash the presence disappeared leaving more questions and not enough answers.

Just what is going on?

Our heroes are on their way to Vermillion City where Ash and Ritchie will earn their next gym badge needing only five more to enter the Indigo League. But the peaceful walk didn't stay peaceful for long.

"Don't you think your being selfish?" Misty yelled.

"No as a matter of fact I'm not," Ritchie yelled back, "I don't think its fair for you to have Ash pay for your bike because Nurse Joy said she'd repair it for you anyway!"

The others sighed in annoyance. This had been going on for a while now and it was starting to get on their nerves. It started out peaceful until Misty brought up her bike so Ash explained that her traveling with him was only fair seeing as how Luxray sent a Thunderbolt attack at it when they first met. Brock and Molly understood, the older boy seeing it as a sign of Ash being mature and taking responsibility. While Ritchie was mad because Misty kept bringing it up making his cousin feel more bad about it than he already does.

And that's how they got to the situation they are now.

"Ash doesn't seem to have a problem with it! You're the only one complaining about it!" Misty growled.

"That's because Ash is too kind for his own good! He's letting you travel with him that should be good enough so stop being so annoying!" Ritchie yelled back.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" she blew up at him prompting both Ash and Brock to step in and intervene before things got worse.

"Alright that's enough calm down Ritchie!" Ash grabbed his cousin.

"You to Misty calm down!" Brock held Misty.

The two glared at each other then turned away making everyone sweat-drop.

Ash sighed, "I think we should stop and eat," he suggested, "Maybe getting some food in them will calm them both down."

"Good idea, I'll start setting everything up but I'm gonna need some firewood." Brock said.

"I'll go get it," Ash began walking into the woods, "Wait Ash I'll come with you!" Ritchie followed.

Molly was conflicted. She didn't know if she should go with her brother or stay and help Brock. The older boy smiled at her placing a hand on her head, "Why don't you help me set everything up." He asked.

She smiled, "Okay!"

Misty calmed down finally after Ritchie left with Ash to go find firewood. Maybe. Maybe she was being annoying. Ash was nice enough to let her travel with him as compensation for frying her bike and hasn't made any complaints about it since. Thinking this only made her feel worse.

"You alright Misty?" Brock called out.

She looked over at the breeder, "Huh? Oh, yeah of course I'm okay!" she faked smiled.

Brock frowned, "You know," he said, "If Ash didn't want you travelling with him he would have said so." He informed her.

Misty's eyes grew wide realizing that Brock was right! If he really didn't want her traveling with him he would say so to her face a long time ago. Thinking that made her smile. It showed that Ash didn't really mind having her along just like Brock. He treated her like a real friend, something she appreciates very much. If only there was something she could do for him, but what?

"Your right! But I wish there was something I could do for him. I mean he's letting me travel with him without any complaints. Now I feel horrible for always bringing up my bike. I'm probably making him feel more bad about it," she said.

Brock smiled, "I'm sure Ash doesn't really mind otherwise he would have told you off like Ritchie did."

"Big brothers really nice! He doesn't think bad about Misty at all and I don't either!" Molly suddenly spoke making the two look at her, "Big brothers having so much fun with you guys, you make him smile and laugh a lot. That makes you guys his friends!" she beamed.

The two teens couldn't help but smile hearing that remembering that he probably didn't have any friends when he and Ritchie were little, so hearing that they made him smile was refreshing.

"Thanks Molly." Misty hugged the little girl who hugged back.

"Your welcome!"

"Hm?" Brock noticed that it was taking Ash and Ritchie too long to get firewood, "Those two sure are taking long. Maybe we should go find them."

"Your right they are. Lets go." Misty said.

Molly was the first to start running towards the forest making the other two try to catch up with her.

Well. They ended up finding them but what weren't prepared for what they saw.

There was both Ash and Ritchie standing over four boys that were on the ground in pain and one boy that was standing near Luxray, Pikachu, and Sparky. The incubator containing the egg was near Pikachu and Sparky. The younger boy was gaping when they arrived.

"…So what happened here?" Brock finally asked.

Ash and Ritchie looked up to the new voices, "Oh hey there guys," Ash smiled, "How long have you guys been standing there?"

"We just got here," Misty answered, "Wait a minute! Don't change the subject what happened here?"

The two boys looked at each other.



Ash, Ritchie and their pokemon were walking through the woods searching for firewood. While looking for some good burning wood Ash was scolding Ritchie for calling Misty annoying saying it was uncalled for and should apologize when they get back.

"But I was just trying to stick up for you!" Ritchie protested.

Ash smiled, "And I appreciate that, but Misty isn't all that bad once you get to know her. Besides she has a point I should have stopped Luxray before he sent a Thunderbolt at her bike."

The electric lion bowed his head in apology making both Ash and Pikachu comfort the lion saying that he should apologize to Misty to. Luxray agreed to apologize for Ash and Pikachu.

Ritchie pouted, "Your way too nice."

"You love it and you know it."

Ritchie was about to say something back when he saw some boy on the treadmill answering questions about Pidgeotto's evolved form. When he got it wrong they turned it up making him run faster and when the boy couldn't take anymore he fell off the treadmill and looked like he hurt himself. The four boys around him didn't seem to care and started laughing at him, Ash and Ritchie growled watching the scene brought back bad memories of when they were bullied by Gary and some of his friends who were on his side.

Ash walked over, "I think you four idiots have done enough." He got their attention by calling them idiots.

"What did you punk?" one of them growled.

Ash simply ignored him and walked over to the fallen boy who was holding his leg that had a bag scrape on it. He bent down; "Are you okay?" he smiled.

The boy looked up at the smiling face, "I-Im okay but my leg hurts." There was a scrape on his leg and it looked like it really hurt.

"That looks bad," he took off his backpack and brought out some healing potion, "This will sting a little but it'll help clean the wound so it doesn't get infected."

"Hey! Don't ignore us!" another boy yelled.

Ash sprayed the boys wound and like Ash said it started to sting really badly but it meant that it was working. After spraying the wound he wrapped it up in bandages but not too tightly, "There! How's that feel?"

The boy smiled, "A little better thanks." Ash helped the boy stand up, "So what's your name?" he asked.

"Oh, my names Joe." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you Joe. My names Ash and this is Pikachu and Luxray."

"Pika (Yo)."

"Luxray (Hello)."

"And my names Ritchie and this is my buddy Sparky." Ritchie introduced.

"Pikachu (Hey)!" Sparky greeted.

"Um its nice to meet you guys." Joes greeted back.

The four boys were starting to get really mad because they had been ignoring them and weren't just going to let it go.

"You've got some nerve ignoring us! Maybe we should teach you a lesson!" all the boys were about to jump them when Luxray, Pikachu, and Sparky intervened glaring at the four boys making them freeze with fear.

Ash and Ritchie just stared at them then looked at each other and grinned, "Pikachu, Luxray, Sparky," Ash called out, "Watch over Joe while the two of us have a little chat with these boys, okay?" Ash asked in a sweet and scary way. The three pokemon nodded and Joe went over to them slowly being mindful of his leg. Joe was standing near the pokemon while Ash and Ritchie got ready.

"Well?" Ash asked.

"You can go first Ash." Ritchie smiled.

"Thanks Ritchie."

"Grrr, don't make fun of us!" he ran at Ash fist raised ready to strike him but the raven-haired teen wasn't worried. Ash moved to the left grabbed the boys arm and flipped him over making him land hard on his back. The boy stared at the sky trying to figure out what just happened.

"Now then," Ash smiled wickedly, "Anyone else want to attack us or will you leave?"

Ritchie grinned right along Ash cracking his knuckles, "I don't think they'll leave until we knock their heads in."

"So it seems."

Oh my goodness naughty boys these two are.




Molly tilted her head trying to remember the correct word her brother told her that fit this current situation. After a while a light bulb appeared, "Self-defense!"

Ash smiled patting her head, "That's right! You're a very smart girl!" Ash complimented.

"Yay! I got the word right!" she jumped up and down.

"Ursa (You did)!" Teddiursa complimented his mom.

Ritchie took the incubator from Sparky and Joe was still gaping like an idiot not believing what he saw.

"…Well I guess that classifies as self-defense." Brock said sweat-dropping.

"If you say so." Misty didn't know what else to say.

The four boys got up slowly alerting the others, "So?" Ash smiled sickly sweet, "Are you going to leave or stay?"

The four boys flinched and ran away with their tails between their legs like a bunch of scared little children.

Ash blinked in confusion, "Geez," he put his hands on his hips, "They act like I'm some kind of monster."

Brock and Misty could see why after getting their buts kicked by the two boys but Ash was by far the scariest.

"Hmph, anyway Joe why were they picking on you earlier?" Ahs questioned.

"Oh! They weren't bullying me they were helping me."

Ash and Ritchie raised a brow, "Hate to say it Joe but that was bullying not helping."

Joe shook his head, "No they were but sometimes I pretend I don't know the answers to some questions because if I answer them they get harder."

Ash felt disgusted with the brutal treatment, "Tell me something Joe, who's the person in charge of this idiotic-I mean brutal education system."

He just called it idiotic, but covered it up at the last minute!Brock, Misty, and Ritchie all thought.

Joe dug in his pocket and brought out a picture, "Well there's the head student for the beginner class," he showed the picture to them, "Here she is. Her names Giselle." He said with a faint blush adorning his face.

Brock and Ritchie began drooling over the photo, "She's so pretty!" they said in unison.

Ash, Molly, and Misty rolled their eyes, "Idiots." Ash and Misty said.

Misty looked at Ash in surprise he simply shrugged his shoulders, "In the words of my mom, 'Women with pretty faces tend to have not so pretty personalities." He quoted his mom's famous lessons in understanding girls.

Misty smiled. So Ash isn't impressed with good looks.

"Then what do you specifically look for in a girl?" she asked out of curiosity.

He smiled, "Her personality," he simply stated, "Looks mean nothing to me I prefer girls personalities over looks. Besides looks aren't everything anyway."

Misty wanted to hug the boy. Finally there's a guy with some common sense when it comes to girls and treats them with respect. She made a mental note to thank his mom when she sees her.

Ash pulled Brock and Ritchie away by their collars, "These two aside, will you please show us this school?"


They followed the boy unaware of three people following observing them as they walked away.

"So the twerps are heading to Pokémon Tech huh?" Meowth grinned.



Meowth turned to them, "What's wrong with the two of you?"

"Well…" Jessie started.

"We didn't exactly do very good in this school ourselves." James said pitifully.

Meowth stared at them, "You mean to tell me you two actually went to this school?"

They both nodded.


The two looked at each other, "We flunked out!" they wailed.

The cat pokemon sweat-dropped but chose to comfort them, "Cheers up you two!" he said, "Your part of Team Rocket now so it doesn't matter anymore!"

The two stopped wailing and began to smile, "That's right! We're part of Team Rocket! Who cares about those egg heads!" Jessie said with fire in her eyes.

"That's right! Who needs them!" James agreed.

Meowth grinned, "There ya go! Lets go follow the twerps!"

"Right!" they cheered.

And with that they followed the gang to Pokémon Tech.

Joe led them to Giselle's study area letting the gang get a good look at it. Ash still wasn't impressed this place was a joke that does nothing insult the traditional way of earning badges actuallytravellingand bonding with their pokemon so they could get stronger together.

"See," Joe spoke, "Here at Pokémon Tech its overall skill as a trainer that counts. Sorry to say Ash and Ritchie but even though you two have two badges I'm pretty sure I'm more skilled than you two."

Ritchie and Misty were about to blow up at him but Ash spoke before they did something they will surely regret, "So you say, but I have doubts that you could manage to even lay a single hit on my pokemon even if you tried." He smiled.

Brock snickered at the statement because it was entirely true and Molly giggled.

"And besides," Ash continued, "Simulations are nothing more than computers that only project what you wanna see. If you went up against Brock, Misty or any of the other Kanto gym leaders in real life you'd be slaughtered before you realize what happened." He lectured.

Brock and Misty smiled at the compliment he gave them both acknowledging them as strong gym leaders.

"Why do you say that?" Joe asked.

"Because, these two are Brock and Misty gym leaders of Pewter and Cerulean City." He told the boy, "Your simulator lets you win against the computer version of them but I know for sure that if you went up against either of them you'd stand absolutely no chance what-so-ever."

The two gym leaders were beginning to blush because of the full confidence he had in their battling skills. Truth is this was the first time a trainer complimented them and viewed them as strong gym leaders. It was usually Sabrina, Lt. Surge, and the others that were considered strong, but hearing Ash compliment them made them feel like one of the big leagues.

Ash took a pokéball in his hand, "You said your more skilled than me and Ritchie right? Then have a battle with me to prove yourself."

Joe smiled, "Alright."

Ritchie looked at the others, "Raise your hand if you think Ash will go easy on him?"

No one did.

"Yeah I figured." Ritchie shrugged.

"I'm glad Ash is the one battling him and not me or Brock," Misty voiced her thought to everyone, "Cause if it was me that was battling him…"

"Let's not get into that." Brock said making sure she didn't that sentence especially with a child around.

Molly looked questionably at Brock.

"Hey look they're about to battle!" Ritchie pointed out.

Ash threw out his pokéball first, "Cloyster, time for battle!" out came the spike pokemon grinning with anticipation.

"So he's using Cloyster…" Brock observed.

Misty was daydreaming, "Ohhh, I just love Cloyster its so cute~!"

Ritchie sweat-dropped, "Not that again." He groaned with irritation.

"Go Cloyster!" Molly cheered.

"Ursa Teddiursa Ursa (Do your best)!"

"Pika Pika (Win it)!" Pikachu and Sparky cheered.

"Luxray ray (Win it)!"

Joe looked at Cloyster and made his choice, "This is an easy choice," he said, "Weepinbell, I choose you!" out came the grass and poison type pokemon.

"So Joe's using Weepinbell?" Ritchie questioned.

"Well grass types have an advantage against water types, but this is Ash we're talking about here so I'm not really worried." Brock stated.

"Me neither." Misty said.

"Nope. Not worried!" Molly agreed.

"Weepinbell, useVine Whip!" vines sprouted out and aimed at the water and ice type.

Ash waited for the right moment when it got close. When he was positive that it was close enough he called out a move that surprised everyone, "Cloyster, useProtect!"

"Huh?" everyone said.

Then out of nowhere a green shield appeared making the vines bounce off the shield and hit Weepinbell in the face.

"No way!" Joe cried out.

"What kind of defensive move was that?" Misty had never seen a defense move like that one before.

Brock was thinking about it but couldn't come up with an answer, "Don't know, but I'll be sure to ask Ash about it later."

Ritchie had stars in his eyes, "I've gotta ask Ash to teach me that move!"

"That was amazing!" Molly smiled.

The pokemon agreed.

"Now it's my turn,Icicle Crash!" Ash ordered.

Cloyster's horn started glowing with a light blue light sending it into the air forming small clumps of ice the grew larger and larger. When the ice clumps were big enough they crashed down on Weepinbell making cry out and faint when it couldn't take the pain anymore.

"Weepinbell! Joe cried out running to his fallen pokemon, "Are you okay?" the pokemon managed to open its eyes and nodded.

Joe let out a sigh of relief and returned the weakened pokemon, "I can't believe I lost though. I mean a grass type has the advantage over a water type so how?"

Before Ash could explain an unfamiliar voice spoke, "That's because your Weepinbell isn't trained, while its obvious this Cloyster is."

They turned and saw a girl they recognized by looking at Joe's photo. The girl was Giselle. Brock was about to start flirting but Misty held him by the ear making Molly laugh and Ritchie to shake his head. She wasn't the only one that showed up because the four boys Ash and Ritchie beat up were with her to.

"Giselle!" Joe exclaimed in surprise.

The girl continued to berate him, "The reason you lost is because this Cloyster's real battling experiences gives it the advantage over the type its weak against."

Joe looked down hearted at her words making the others look at her in anger, "Honestly, you're an embarrassment to this school."

"That's enough!" Misty yelled getting the girls attention, "So what if he lost there's nothing wrong with that! This lost will give him something to think and learn about which you'd know that if you were a good trainer!"

Giselle's eye twitched but tried to keep her confident smirk, "Hmph, I have the right to say whatever I want to him because I am agoodtrainer. In fact I'm the top student here."

Brock and Ritchie were holding Misty back, which was wise because she was about to launch herself at the girl and rip her hair out.

"You sound really stupid." Ash said loud enough for the girl to hear him.

Giselle turned to him in anger, "Excuse me?"

He returned Cloyster, "You heard me, but in case you didn't I'll say it again. Everything you just said is reallystupid."

Misty laughed at the girl's reaction her anger dissipating immediately she was thinking that the girl deserved it. Molly stuck her tongue out at the girl while Brock and Ritchie were flabbergasted but couldn't say anything neither could Joe.

"How dare you insult me!" she brought out a pokéball, "You and me will have a battle right now! But this won't just be any battle, in this battle we will make wagers!"

Ash grinned, "Sounds like fun. What are you wagering?"

Giselle smiled confidently, "If I win you get on your knees and apologize to me in front of everybody!" she declared.

"Why you little-" Misty was about to go off.

Ash kept on grinning, "Alright then, now if I win you will apologize to Joe and admit that Pokemon Tech is nothing but a waste of a trainers true potential."

"Wha?" she said flabbergasted.

He turned his back to her and went over to Luxray, "What's wrong? Backing down before the battle even starts?"

That got her mad, "Fine then!"

Brock offered to be the referee, "This is a one-on-one battle between Giselle of Pokemon Tech and Ash Ketchum! The battle is over when both or one pokemon on either side is unable to battle! Do both trainers agree?"

Giselle flipped her hair, "Of course I do. Not that I'm worried seeing as how I'm going towin."

Ash smiled at his friend, "I'm ready to start Brock."

The breeder raised his arm in the air then brought it down, "Battle begin!"

Giselle threw the pokéball in the air, "Cubone, I choose you!" out came a pokemon wearing a bone mask and holding a bone in its hand.

"Cubone!" it said.

"So she's using a Cubone."

Ritchie scanned it.

[Cubone a Ground-type Pokémon. Cubone has earned its classification as the Lonely Pokémon from its usual attitude of caring only for itself.]

"So its lonely?" Molly questioned.

Ritchie shrugged his shoulders, "I guess."

Who's That Pokemon?



"Well," Giselle said crossing her arms, "What pokemon are you going to bring out?"

Ash looked at Luxray the electric pokemon understanding leapt into battle growling.

The girl raised a brow, "What kind of pokemon is that?"

Ash smirked, "You don't know?" he feigned surprise, "And here I thought you were the top student of your class. Guess that was a lie." He taunted.

Misty busted out laughing along with Molly this had to be the funniest battle Ash has ever had, and the red head was enjoying every last minute of it. Ritchie smiled weakly at his cousins merciless taunting of the girl. Okay maybe the girl deserved it for what she said to Joe but now he was starting to feel bad for the girl. Brock may have snorted but covered it up.

Giselle's face was literally red, "This will be the last time you insult me!" she yelled, "UseBone Club!" Cubone rushed at Luxray and smacked it on the head with its bone. Giselle grinned believing the battle was over but that soon vanished when she saw Ash smile.

"What do you think Luxray? Did that attack hurt you?" he asked.

The lion smirked at the bone pokemon causing it to flinch in fear.

"B-but how? That attack should have done some damage!" she yelled in shock.

"You said it yourself earlier remember?" he said making her confused, "Real battling experience gives the pokemon the advantage to overcome their weakness." He quoted her words even though he changed them a little.

"You tell her Ash!" Misty cheered.

"Seriously? You sound like a groupie." Ritchie sweat-dropped.

"Luxray's an electric type which you've probably guessed already but type advantages and disadvantages don't really mater when you've taught them how to overcome their weakness and counter it." he explained.

"What's that suppose to mean?" she questioned.

He smirked, "I'll give you an example, useIce Fang!"

Luxray bit down on Cubone freezing it instantly.

"Cubone!" Giselle cried out.

"That was an ice type move!" Misty exclaimed.

Ritchie blinked, "So an electric type can learn ice attacks? Cool!" he couldn't wait to ask Ash for some one-on-one training.

"That attack was really effective against Cubone because it's a ice type move." Brock said.

Molly raised her hand in the air, "And ground types are weak against ice types right?"

Brock patted her head, "That's right. You'd make a good trainer when your old enough." He complimented.

Molly grinned.

"Night Slash!" Luxray's claws turn whitish purple and slashed the frozen Cubone who cried out in pain having been hit directly by and ice fang attack.

"Cubone!" Giselle cried out again.

"Double Kick!" Luxray rears on his hind legs turns around and kicks the poor pokemon in the air, "Finish this withSwift!" the lion jumps in the air with its tail glowing yellow swinging it releasing multiple yellow stars that hit Cubone sending it to the ground with swirl's on its eyes.

Brock brought up his arm, "Cubone is unable to battle! Luxray wins and the winner of the match is Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!"

"Cubone!" Giselle rushed over to her pokemon immediately taking it in her arms cradling it gently, "Are you okay?" she asked.

The little pokemon managed to open its eyes weakly, "Cubone…"

She smiled with relief hugging it, "Thank goodness!" she heard footsteps approaching looking up she saw it was Ash with his hand out, "Am I allowed to help you up?"

She blinked but then smiled allowing him to help her up, "That was a very interesting battle. I even learned something from it."

Ash smiled, "And that is?"

Giselle went over to Joe, "I'm so sorry Joe. I was completely arrogant and ended up hurting a dear friend of mine and that was wrong of me. Can you ever forgive me for my stupidity?" she said sincerely.

Joe smiled at the girl showing he bared no ill will towards her, "Can I still keep your picture?" he asked.

She was surprised that he forgave her but couldn't help but smile, "Sure," she brought out her own picture, "I always keep pictures of my friends." The picture in her hand was of her and Joe. The two kids laughed enjoying the fact they had identical pictures of each other.

Brock smirked, "Your quite the sneaky one aren't you Ash?"

The boy feigned innocence, "I don't know what you mean."

"Sure you don't." Misty elbowed him playfully.

The two students turned to them; "Ash," Giselle bowed respectfully, "I owe you an apology to, as well as the rest of you."

Ash waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it. I just wanted you and Joe to become good friends and that's what happened." He smiled.

The kids agreed with him, "That's not all we learned," Joe said, "Having battled you and watching the battle between you Giselle made me realize that I need to start over from scratch by traveling instead of learning everything from a computer." He smiled.

Giselle nodded, "Same here, and when I'm ready I'll enter the Indigo League along with Joe." She blushed.

Misty giggled at the two. The girl may not admit it but it was obvious she had a crush on Joe just like the boy has a crush on her. It was kind of cute.

Before anyone could comment they heard the familiar laughter and motto of non other than Team Rocket.

Giselle recognized them instantly, "I know you three! This school has records on these three they failed every single thing in this school it was almost laughable!"

The gang turned to her then back at Team Rocket.

"You mean to tell me that Team Rocket use to go to this school?" Misty exclaimed.

"Hard to believe…" Brock was honestly trying to wrap his head around the fact that these three went to this school.

"I feel like I should say something snarky but I've got nothing." Ritchie said.

"Same here." Ash agreed.

Molly nodded.

Team Rocket wasn't happy with the insult and brought out their pokemon but with three Thunderbolts from Pikachu, Sparky, and Luxray they were sent flying proving that they're not very good battlers. Giselle then gave them directions to Vermillion City and wished Ash and Ritchie luck on getting their third gym badge. They said farewell to each other and headed off in the direction she told them to take, and as an added bonus Ritchie and Misty apologized to each other much to everyone's relief. Maybe the two of them were starting to get along.


After saying farewell to Pokemon Tech our heroes head off in the direction given to them by Giselle to Vermillion City where Ash and Ritchie will earn their third gym badge.

Bulbasaur of the Hidden Village & Abandoned Charmander & Friends!

Journey Through Kanto - Chapter 5 - Murasaki27 - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)


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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.