Boutonniere Deformity (2024)

Continuing Education Activity

Boutonniere deformity describes a medical condition in which the finger is flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP), and there is hyperextension at the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). This is usually a result of trauma in the acute setting and is caused by force applied to the top of a bent middle joint of a finger. There is a direct injury to the central slip that damages the extensor function of the affected digit. A boutonniere deformity can also result from a laceration on the top of a finger, which can sever the tendon and detach it from the bone. It can also happen if the patient would suffer a full-thickness burn resulting in direct injury to the central slip. This activity describes the pathophysiology, causes, and presentation of boutonniere deformity and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in its management.


  • Describe the cause of boutonniere deformity.

  • Review the presentation of a patient with boutonniere deformity.

  • Summarize the treatment options for boutonniere deformity.

  • Explain the importance of improving care coordination among interprofessional team members to improve outcomes for patients affected by boutonniere deformity.

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Boutonniere deformity describes a medical condition in which the finger is flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)and hyperextended at the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). This is usually a result of trauma in the acute setting and is caused by a rupture of the PIP central slip. This results in damage tothe extensor function of the affected digit. A boutonniere deformity can also result from laceration injury to the central slip and dorsal capsule.[1][2]Boutonniere deformities can also occur secondary to burn injury, with tension ischemia representing a possible etiology for tendon rupture.[3] Overall, Boutonniere deformities common represent sequelaofinflammatory arthritides, such as rheumatoid arthritis.[4]


Injuryto the extensor tendon is the chief etiology for this flexion deformity of the PIP joint. The extensor tendon is disrupted and the lateral aspects of the tendon separate. The head of the proximal phalanx subsequently projects through the disrupted tendon elements. This deformity obtained its namepresumably due to its appearance to a buttonhole on surgical exploration.[5] Football and basketball-related injuries are the most common sources of sports-related boutonniere deformities.


While jam-injuries represent a heterogeneous group of trauma-related injuries,central slip injuries and subsequent development of boutonniere deformities constitute a well-known sequela of jam-injuries.[6]Up to half or 50% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis develop a boutonniere deformity in at least one digit.[7]


A boutonniere deformity results when the triangular ligamentand the central slip of the extensor tendon of a digit are disrupted. This disruption of the ligament and tendon will cause the lateral bands to displace volarly. Thisresults in forced flexion of the finger, andsubsequent limitation of theDIP joint toextend. Over time, the oblique retinacular ligament gradually contracts. This ligament contracture will gradually worsen the hyperextension deformity of the joint.[8] The pathophysiology is different if it is secondary to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or a burn injury. In the setting of inflammatory arthritides such as RA, inflammatory cells collect in the synovial fluid of the joint which forms a layer of fibrous tissue. This leads to bony erosion and damage to cartilage and ligaments. The joints gradually deform which leads to loss of function and pain.

History and Physical

A thorough history and physical should be obtained to determine the mechanism of injury to the affected digit. Treatment options vary depending on etiologyand early identification of injury canprevent long-term complications and deformities from these injuries. A deformity can take several weeks to manifest. In the setting of alaceration injury, the area needs to be thoroughly cleaned and examined in a “bloodless field” for tendon integrity.[9]In the setting of "jam injuries," a central slip injury is oftentimes occult. The "Elson test" can be performed to assess tendon integrity, andinvolves the following steps [6]:

  • The patient places his affected finger over the edge of a surface such as a table. The digits are placed in a flexed position along the surface edge at the level of the PIP joint.

  • The examiner applies pressure to the digit at the level of the middle phalanx.

  • The patient is instructed to extend the finger at the PIP joint(opposite to the vector of pressure).

  • A positive test is confirmed when the DIP is noted to hyperextend at the DIP joint.

If rheumatoid arthritis causes a boutonniere deformity, a thorough history should include the duration of symptoms, medications (both previous and current), level of pain, and degree ofdisability.[10]


Radiographsare indicated to determine if there are any associated fractures. It is also important to identify any cortical disruption of the bones that attach to the central slip of the tendon. Lateral radiographs can be used to determine the degree ofhyperextension.

Treatment / Management

The goal of treatment is to regain full range of motion of the affected finger. Treatment options include both surgical and nonsurgical modalities. Splinting is a nonsurgical treatment and involves immobilizing the affected joint to allow for PIP flexion(straightening) to occur. This also allows the tendon to heal and not continue to volarly separate. Splints are usually maintained for 3 to 6 weeks depending on the patient’s age and severity of the injury.[11]Patients will often be instructed to wear the splint at night for several more weeks. Management should also include exercises to improve the strength and flexibility of the affected digit. If the injury is a result of sports activity, the affected area may be taped orfurther splintedfor protection onactivity resumption. Surgical correction can be employed if the tendon is severed or if there is a significant bone fragment displaced from its normal position of function.[12] It may also be an option if it does not improve with conservative measures, such as splinting. If a large avulsion is present, surgical fixation with a wire or screw is used to correct for the extensor injury. The deformity becomes more difficult to correct if the deformity has been left untreated for greater than three weeks.

The treatment options for a boutonniere deformity if it represents a chronic sequela of rheumatoid arthritis. The classes of medications to treat rheumatoid arthritis are disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic response modifiers, glucocorticoids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), and analgesics. DMARDs are used to delay the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. DMARDs have different mechanisms of action and are often used in combination therapy. Although the mechanism of action varies, they have a similar impact on the disease process. Biologic response modifiers are genetically engineered and work by interrupting a patient’s immune system signals that areresponsible for tissue damage. Most of these medications attempt to interfere with the activity of tumor necrosis factor. Glucocorticoids are used to reduce inflammation and also to curb the autoimmune activity. They are often used in conjunctionwith DMARDs. NSAIDs can aid with pain control, swelling, and inflammation, but do not affect slowing the disease process. Analgesics are used to control pain only.

If nonsurgical measures are unsuccessful, surgical joint replacement may be necessary. Joint fusion is another surgical procedure that involves fusing the two joint surfaces of the affected digit together. The benefits of joint fusion are pain improvement, increased the stability of the joint, and prevention of worsening joint deformity. After surgery, patients are instructed to wear a splint or brace for several weeks to keep the proximal interphalangeal joint straight.[7] Physical or occupational therapy often follows splinting.

Differential Diagnosis

  • Dislocation of the PIP joint. Classically this istraumatic in etiology and the deformity is often more pronounced.

  • Skin contracture at the proximal finger from burn injury.

  • Less common causes of contractures from other pathologies (Hansen's disease, epidermolysis bullosa, etc).


Preventing progression to a boutonniere deformity is the chief goal of good treatment outcomes. Serial digital casting has been shown to be moderately successful.[11]Depending on severity of the injury, a complete recovery with relation to range of motion is infrequently seen.[11]


Complications with or without treatment include [13]:

  • Chronic joint stiffness

  • Reinjury/redislocation

  • Post-traumatic arthritis

  • Chronic swelling

  • Decreased range of motion

Deterrence and Patient Education

Considering that prognosis and outcomes are often varied with patients rarely returning to baseline functionality, the physician plays an important role in managing expectations. Patients should be educated on various complications such as limited chronic range of motion, early arthritis, and predisposition to reinjury. A physician managing athletes, especially those predisposed to finger injuries such as football and basketball players, should advice his/her patients to present early in the setting of jam-injuries of the fingers. Educating patients that a delay in management can have possible long term sequela that could limit further participation in sports.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

The diagnosis and management of boutonniere deformity is complex and requires an interprofessional team that includes a primary care provider, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, hand surgeon,and orthopedic surgeon.The goal of treatment is to regain full range of motion of the affected finger. Treatment options include both surgical and nonsurgical modalities. If nonsurgical measures are unsuccessful, surgical joint replacement may be necessary. Joint fusion is another surgical procedure that involves fusing the two joint surfaces of the affected digit together. The benefits of joint fusion are pain improvement, increased the stability of the joint, and prevention of worsening joint deformity. After surgery, patients are instructed to wear a splint or brace for several weeks to keep the proximal interphalangeal joint straight.[7]Physical or occupational therapy often follows splinting. The outcomes for boutonnieredeformity are guarded. While recovery is possible, it may take a long time to improve range of motion and function.[14][15] (Level V)


Boutonniere Deformity Contributed by Steve Bhmiji, MD, MS, PhD


Boutonniere deformity of the 5th digit. Contributed by Dr.Rebecca Flores.


Boutonniere deformity of the 5th digit. Contributed by Dr.Rebecca Flores.


Boutonniere deformity of the 5th digit. Contributed by Dr.Rebecca Flores.



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Disclosure: Justin Binstead declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Dawood Tafti declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Jason Hatcher declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Boutonniere Deformity (2024)


Boutonniere Deformity? ›

Introduction. Boutonniere deformity describes a medical condition in which the finger is flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and hyperextended at the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). This is usually a result of trauma in the acute setting and is caused by a rupture of the PIP central slip.

What causes a boutonniere deformity? ›

Boutonniere deformity is most frequently caused by rheumatoid arthritis or from an injury where the finger suffers a forceful blow to the top of a bent middle joint. Other causes of boutonniere deformities are: Severe cut — a severe cut to the top of the finger can cause the tendon to be severed from the bone.

How do you fix a boutonniere deformity? ›

Treatment of Boutonniere deformities can be both surgical and non-surgical depending on severity, structures involved, trauma and time since injury. Non-surgical treatment involves splinting and immobilisation of the affected joint.

What happens if boutonniere deformity is left untreated? ›

The central slip extensor goes to the middle joint of your finger or toe. In boutonnière deformity, an injury tears the tendon and a slit appears. If this situation isn't corrected, the middle of your finger will remain bent and the tip of your finger will stick out.

What is the special test for boutonniere deformity? ›

Elson's test is a common physical examination for a boutonniere deformity. To perform the test, the patient hangs their finger over the edge of the table, with the PIP flexed to 90 degrees. Then, the clinician has the patient attempt to extend at their DIP joint. Being unable to extend is a negative finding.

Does boutonniere deformity need surgery? ›

In some cases, boutonniere deformities require surgery. This is more likely in cases caused by advanced rheumatoid arthritis or severe injuries.

What is the prognosis for boutonniere deformity? ›

When treated promptly, traumatic boutonnière deformities can be reversed. Chronic boutonnière deformities and those caused by rheumatologic disease can worsen and eventually result in a permanent deformity and impaired functioning of the affected finger.

Is boutonniere deformity a disability? ›

Entitlement to an increased evaluation for postoperative status, boutonniere deformity, right little finger (major extremity), currently evaluated as 10 percent disabling.

What is the recovery time for a boutonniere deformity? ›

After you wake up from surgery your finger will be in a splint for up to six weeks. Then for several months, you will be required to do at-home physical therapy exercises. You can expect a full recovery in three to four months.

What is the non surgical treatment for boutonniere deformity? ›

Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Boutonniere Deformity
  1. Splint. A splint used for the finger with the boutonniere deformity allows the tendon to heal. ...
  2. Exercises. Exercises performed at home will help you regain or improve your strength and flexibility.
  3. Protection. Tape or splint your finger for practice or games.

Can you straighten boutonniere deformity? ›

What is Boutonniere Deformity? If you have this condition, you might not be able to straighten out your finger, even if you try. This condition can happen because of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis.

What type of arthritis is boutonniere deformity? ›

Boutonniere finger deformities occur frequently in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The deformity consists of flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint and hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal joint.

What is another name for a boutonniere deformity? ›

A Boutonniere deformity is a deformity of the fingers in which the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) is flexed and the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) is hyperextended. It is an extensor tendon injury over zone III. It is also referred to as a "buttonhole deformity."

What splint is used for boutonniere deformity? ›

A dynamic extension splint, known as a capener splint, is typically fabricated. It is a spring wire, three-point extension splint. It is designed to apply a small force to hold the joint at the end available extension range of movement (ROM), for long periods of time.

What is boutonniere deformity neurology? ›

Usually a result of injuring an extensor tendon. This condition prevents the middle joint from straightening; at the same time, the fingertip bends back. It is important that it's treated quickly or the finger may become more deformed, affecting its normal function.

What is a pseudo boutonniere deformity? ›

The pseudo-boutonniere deformity is a boutonneire-like deformity resulting from a hyperextension injury to the proximal interphalangeal joint causing tearing of the volar soft tissues.

What causes boutonniere deformity vs swan neck deformity? ›

Tissue inflammation or tendon tears and weakening caused by conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can also cause boutonniere finger. Swan neck deformity might occur after ligaments on the palm side of the proximal interphalangeal joint tear or weaken.

Is a boutonniere deformity osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis? ›

Boutonniere finger deformities occur frequently in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The deformity consists of flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint and hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal joint.

What is the difference between Dupuytren's disease and boutonniere deformity? ›

Boutonniere deformity involves the middle finger joint being bent in a fixed position, and Dupuytren's contracture is curling of the finger due to a progression of fibrous tissue bands being tightened.


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