Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (2024)

Are you enticed by persimmons in the winter but perplexed on what to do with them once you get them home? Let me help you out with some of THE BEST vegan persimmon recipes!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (1)

From breakfast to dessert, with a couple fun savory recipes mixed in too, I have some great dishes to inspire you. Now, before we get into the list, I always love to share my illustrator friend Stacy Michelson’s illustration about persimmons. So informative, AND adorable!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (2)

About Persimmons:

As Stacy mentions in here illustration, there are two most common types of persimmon (in the US): fuyu and hachiya. Personally, fuyus (the tomato-lookalike) are my favorite because you don’t have to wait until they’re mushy to eat them. Plus, they’re not astringent like hachiya persimmons. Meaning, you shouldn’t eat a hachiya persimmon before it’s very ripe, or else you will have a VERY poor experience.

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (3)

Because of the very soft texture of hachiya persimmons they’re excellent in baked goods or even sauces! In the list you’ll see them featured in muffins, cheesecake, and more. Because of the more firm structure of fuyu persimmons, they’re wonderful in salads, breakfasts, or just sliced up! Easy enough, right? 😉

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (4)

When I explain the flavor of persimmons to those that haven’t had them yet, I do my best, saying that they’re as if an apple and a peach had a cinnamon-y baby. Lol! They’ve definitely become something I look forward to enjoying at the end of Fall each year.

From breakfast to dessert to snacks, these vegan persimmon recipes are sure to delight! There are also plenty of allergy-friendly options for those that need them.

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (5)

Pomegranate Persimmon Crostini

While dips are great for parties, finger foods are my favorite! These Pomegranate Persimmon Crostini are as delicious as they are gorgeous. Plus, VERY easy-to-make!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (6)

Persimmon Cheesecake in a Glass

Persimmon Cheesecake in a Glass! An easy, nearly raw dessert that is perfect for using up persimmons and fun for get togethers.

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (7)

Persimmon Apple Salad

This Persimmon Apple Kale Salad is SO easy-to-make, healthy, and perfectly seasonal with its fresh ingredients.

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (8)

Persimmon Crème Brûlée with Sugared Cranberries

Looking for a stunning holiday dessert that is easy-to-make? Check out this impressive, vegan Persimmon Crème Brûlée with Sugared Cranberries!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (9)

Mini Persimmon Coffee Cakes

These Mini Persimmon Coffee Cakes make for a fantastic Autumn treat, and are great for sharing. Layers of goodness with a crumb topping!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (11)

Pecan Persimmon Oatmeal

This breakfast of pecan persimmon oatmeal is warm, aromatic, filled with sweet persimmon, plus crunchy pecans and spices. Delicious and quick!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (12)


Persimmon Ricotta Scones (Vegan + Healthy)

"Vegan Persimmon Ricotta Scones bake up perfectly moist and tender for a delicious breakfast or healthy snack!"

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (13)

Persimmon Oatmeal Cookies

Chewy, satiating, and delicious, these persimmon oatmeal cookies are the perfect fall snack!

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (14)


Avocado, Persimmon and Beet Tartare

"Persimmons are joined by avocado and beets for a beautiful and delightful tartar, topped with a ginger dressing."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (15)

Roasted Persimmon Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Ice cream is typically reserved for warmer months, but persimmons - winter's bounty - make this dairy-free ice cream incredible! Vanilla bean and a little cardamom, plus caramelized sugar don't hurt either.

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (16)


Vegan Persimmon Bread Recipe

"This Vegan Persimmon Bread Recipe is moist and delicious, made with juicy ripe Florida grown persimmons, pecans, raisins and sweetened with coconut sugar. This persimmon bread recipe is vegan, gluten-free, healthy and scrumptious!"

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (17)


Shredded Brussels Sprout Persimmon Salad

"Filled with some of falls finest like pomegranates and walnuts, this Shredded Brussels Sprout Persimmon Salad with a light homemade dijon vinaigrette is guaranteed to be an instant favorite."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (18)


Persimmon Smoothie (Vegan)

"This delicious Asian fruit makes the most perfect vegan autumnal smoothie. It takes less than 10 minutes to whip up using only 7 ingredients."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (19)


Persimmon Bread | FatFree Vegan Kitchen

“This moist, oil-free vegan persimmon bread is made with 100% whole wheat flour and no refined sugar. It’s the perfect winter dessert!”

"Spinach salad with persimmons and delicata squash is a hearty and robust side dish. It’s finished with caramelized onions, pistachios, and white wine vinaigrette."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (21)


Citrus Persimmon BreadPudding

"Bright citrus and aromatic spices really compliment the sweet persimmons in this recipe. A cozy addition to any holiday table!"

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (22)


Persimmon Habanero Soup

"A sweet and spicy soup made with persimmons and habanero peppers for a delightful and healthful yet easy meal."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (23)

Back to Basics Fruit Tart

A simple, sweet, and healthy this Back to Basics Fruit Tart is a tasty,gluten-free dessert!

"Rise and shine with this millet porridge, using with persimmon, almonds, chia seeds, and coconut."

Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (25)


Persimmon Smoothie with ginger

"A fabulous, energy-boosting persimmon smoothie is necessary to try this fall. The robust blend of coconut milk, ginger and persimmon is for everyone."

If you’re looking for more recipe round-ups, try some of the ones below!

  • All-Time Best Vegan Mac and Cheese Recipes
  • Best Vegan Zucchini Recipes
  • Low-Effort Vegan Recipes by Black Creators

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Best Vegan Persimmon Recipes - Vegan Yack Attack (2024)


What is the difference between Fuyu and persimmon? ›

Hachiya persimmons tend to be a little larger than Fuyu and are more acorn shaped. The main difference between Hachiya persimmons and Fuyus is that Hachiyas are extremely astringent until they are completely soft and ripe. If you bite into a hard, unripe Hachiya, you'll never forget it! Talk about mouth puckering.

How do you take the bitterness out of persimmons? ›

Wash and carefully dry the fruit, dot the calyxes with alcohol-soaked cotton swabs, and seal the fruit in a plastic bag. Keep in a cool, dark place for one to two weeks until the fruit are sweet. My favorite way to eat fully ripe bitter-type persimmons is to freeze them — they turn into a delicious persimmon sorbet.

What fruit goes well with persimmon? ›

Combine persimmons, grapes, pomegranate seeds, apple cubes, and sliced green kiwi to create a bright salad for a snack … or even a hot oatmeal topping. Yogurt Bliss. Scoop out the orange meat of a ripe persimmon, add it to a glass of plain yogurt, chopped walnuts and just a touch of honey.

Can you eat Fuyu persimmon skin? ›

Fuyu persimmons are still hard when ripe and will turn a slightly darker orange. They can be eaten when hard. Their skins are edible. Hachiya persimmons soften when ripe.

Do Fuyu persimmons cause constipation? ›

While persimmons can be a delectable treat, it's best to eat them in moderation. Their high tannin content could lead to a few health problems if consumed in excess. These issues include stomach bleeding, constipation, and diarrhea.

Which is better Fuyu or hachiya persimmons? ›

Fuyu and Hachiya: Knowing the Difference

Hachiya (left) and Fuyu (right) are both locally grown persimmons that have beautiful cinnamon notes, perfect for fall. However, the Hachiya's texture is best when extremely ripe, almost jelly-like in texture, while the Fuyu can be eaten while hard, like an apple.

What does baking soda do to persimmons? ›

When persimmons are beaten to a pulp, tannins form complexes with carbohydrates, causing the pulp to stiffen to a gel-like consistency. When baking soda is added, a reaction with the moist and slightly acidic persimmon creates carbon dioxide (CO2), which also plays a role in encouraging the pulp to thicken.

Why do persimmons make my mouth weird? ›

This sensation can be described as dry, puckering, or even like your mouth has been coated with a layer of silt or talc. The reason behind this peculiar feeling is the high tannin content in persimmons [2]. Tannins are a class of astringent chemical compounds found in plants, including persimmons.

How do you get the astringency taste out of persimmons? ›

Treatment with freezing temperatures is a potential method of removing astringency of persimmon, without deterioration in the fruit quality.

What not to eat with persimmon? ›

Tea and persimmon contain tannins, which have been found to make protein harder to digest. So when tea and persimmon are eaten with crab, which is rich in protein, we might experience indigestion.

What can eating a lot of persimmon do to the body? ›

Ingesting massive amounts of persimmons can cause bezoars to form. A bezoar is a hard mass that can lead to gastric obstruction. A diospyrobezoar is a subtype of bezoar. Diospyrobezoar are specific to persimmons.

What can I do with too many persimmons? ›

One of the best options for copious amounts of any food is to freeze some for later. HalfPint suggests pureeing the persimmon pulp, putting it into plastic freezer bags to maximize your freezer space, and then making persimmon bread, smoothies, and steamed pudding with the thawed fruit pulp later on.

Can we eat persimmon at night? ›

No, you should not eat persimmons at night. Eating fruits like persimmons at night may cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

What is the best time to eat persimmon? ›

If an astringent persimmon is eaten before it's totally ripe, it will have an unpleasant dry texture. Non-astringent persimmons, like the flat-bottomed fuyu, can be eaten when they're still slightly firm.

Can my dog eat persimmon? ›

Yes, dogs can safely eat persimmon fruits as an occasional treat. While dogs can consume persimmon skin, they should not eat the seeds because these cause digestive problems. In addition, you should only feed your dog a few slices or a small handful a day, as large amounts of persimmons can lead to an upset stomach.

What is the best tasting persimmon? ›

When persimmon fans are asked which variety is the best-tasting, you may hear maru, suruga, saijo and even the Native American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) that grows in the Southeast as far west as Oklahoma. Its fruits are small but very sweet when soft.

Which type of persimmon is better? ›

As they ripen, they become jelly-like, just like the Hachiya variety. Fuyu persimmons are the better choice for eating raw because they're much more pleasant to eat even when they're crunchy.

Which type of persimmon is sweeter? ›

Suruga persimmon: Suruga persimmons have a spicy-sweet flavor. They are medium-to-large fruits with orange-red skin. They are one of the sweetest persimmons among non-astringent types.

Which persimmon taste better? ›

Fuyu / Jiro Persimmon Tree: This the most popular variety on this list, and for good reason. Fuyu produces a medium-sized deep red-orange piece of fruit with a lighter pale-orange flesh. Fruit is sweet and non-astringent which is quite uncommon for persimmons.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.